Videos: Educator Roles—MCL

5 Things MCLs Do Every Day

Want to know what a Multi-Classroom Leader, or MCL, does during a typical school day? Check out this short video!

Partial-Release Multi-Classroom Leader Role

In Opportunity Culture schools, teacher-leaders in the Multi-Classroom Leader, or MCL, role, may be “partial release” or “full release.” Partial-release MCLs have their own classroom of record and teach for part of the day but have release time to leave their classroom to work with their team teachers.

Using Opportunity Culture® Roles to Support Science of Reading-Based Instruction

The science of reading has “come alive” at Lucama Elementary, in North Carolina’s Wilson County Schools, after the principal and her team of Multi-Classroom Leaders led the use of multiple curricula and data-driven small-group instruction and interventions—resulting in strong student learning growth.

Sydney Garcia on Being a Multi-Classroom Leader

Sydney Garcia, a multi-classroom leader at Pease Elementary in Ector County ISD, says the MCL role is “the best of both worlds” allowing her to take on a leadership role while still being in the classroom.

What Does a Multi-Classroom Leader Do?

Learn about the unique role of multi-classroom leaders (MCLs)—educators who provide intensive support and development to small teaching teams, for more pay, within regular budgets.

Erin Williams on Being a Multi-Classroom Leader

Erin Williams, a multi-classroom leader at James Martin Middle School in Charlotte, N.C., describes how she and her team use data to encourage students to track their own growth toward their learning goals. Can’t access YouTube? Watch this video on Vimeo instead!...

Pioneering Multi-Classroom Leaders

Pioneering Multi-Classroom Leaders Erin Burns, Ashley Jackson, Russ Stanton, and Karen Wolfson each took accountability for up to 500 students and led teaching teams toward higher growth and personalized learning for all those students in their high-need schools in...