Days in the Life: The Work of a Successful Multi-Classroom Leader®

How do Opportunity Culture® multi-classroom leaders fit all their duties into a typical week? This video follows MCL Okema Owens Simpson through several typical days that illustrate the essentials of the MCL role that get the best student results, including daily coaching; lesson planning; practice in delivering lessons; data analysis; co-teaching or modeling lessons; and pulling out small student groups for intensive help.

Read the accompanying vignette to learn more.

Note: In this video, you will see the MCL using the Real-Time Teacher Coaching technique from a company called CT3. This is not a required piece of being an MCL—it’s just one example of a way MCLs use a variety of coaching techniques.

Can’t access YouTube? Watch this video on Vimeo instead!

Note: This video contains trademarked terms, such as Public Impact®, Opportunity Culture®, Multi-Classroom Leader®, and MCL™. See Terms of Use for more.

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