Launch and Lead

Establish leadership by ensuring the right people are on the team and clarifying the team’s vision, goals, roles, and process for collaborating to achieve excellence

More Detail

Launching and leading includes planning, communicating, executing, and improving the following actions:


Set team vision and goals


Clarify team roles


Organize team work process—how we work together

  • Make team action plan and lead team to follow it
  • Make schedules and agendas for collaboration

Select the right people for each role

See the one-page Instructional Excellence Summary covering all the key elements.

Study Guides

See these printable study guides with discussion questions and real examples from educators:

For educators in the Multi-Classroom Leader™ roleKey Element of Leadership Excellence: Launch and Lead

For PrincipalsKey Element of Leadership Excellence: Launch and Lead

Tools—For Educators in the MCL™ Role & Other Instructional Teacher-Leaders

These tools can help launch and lead instructional teams:

Multi-Classroom Leader™ Action Plannerto see each season in its own document, click on these links: SummerFallWinterSpring

Organization Chart Template—Multi-Classroom Leader™ Teams

Leading a Teama one-page summary of all action areas

Team Meeting Sample Agendas

Education Leaders’ Summary Action Lista quick review of all action areas

Instructional Excellence Summarythe critical elements of instructional excellence in one page

Tools—For Principals & Those in Multi-School Leader™ Roles

These tools can help launch and lead teams:

Principal Action Plannerto see each season in its own document, click on the following links: SummerFallWinterSpring

Organizational Chart Template–Instructional Leadership and Teams

School Roles and Responsibilities Chart

Leading Across the Organization

Leading a Teama one-page summary of all action areas

Education Leaders’ Summary Action Lista quick review of all action areas

Standing Agendas for Leading an Instructional Team of Leaders

Instructional Excellence Summarythe critical elements of instructional excellence in one page

Videos—For Educators in the MCL™ Role & Other Instructional Teacher-Leaders

Watch these short videos of educators discussing the elements of Launch and Lead, organized by action:

Videos—For Principals & Those in Multi-School Leader™ Roles

Watch these short videos of educators discussing the elements of Launch and Lead, organized by action:

Discussion Questions

Use these discussion questions to help guide your instructional team through the elements of Launch and Lead:

    1. Does your team have clear, common goals? If not, what needs to change?
    2. Is your role clear? Are team members’ roles clear? If not, what needs to change?
    3. Is it clear how your team will work together—who makes what decisions, when you will meet, what you will do together and independently? What needs to change for clarity?
    4. Do your team members have the right amount of time together, with the team leader and alone to plan well and make rapid improvements? If not, what needs to change?
    5. Make a brief action plan with specific goals, roles, and time by which you will make specific changes!
    6. Did your changes produce better learning results? If so, keep them. If not, think again about what other changes to make!

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