Support and Develop Individuals
Provide support and development to each educator, through co-planning, co-teaching or co-leading, modeling, observing and providing feedback, and coaching
More Detail
Supporting and developing individuals includes planning, communicating, executing, and improving the following actions:
Co-teach, co-lead, or model for others
Observe and give feedback
See the one-page Instructional Excellence Summary covering all the key elements.
Study Guides
See these printable study guides with discussion questions and real examples from educators:
For Multi-Classroom Leaders—Key Element of Leadership Excellence: Support and Develop Individuals
For Principals—Key Element of Leadership Excellence: Support and Develop Individuals
Tools—For Multi-Classroom Leaders & Other Instructional Teacher-Leaders
These tools can help Multi-Classroom Leaders and other teacher-leaders support and develop their instructional teams:
Multi-Classroom Leader Action Planner—to see each season in its own document, click on these links: Summer; Fall; Winter; Spring
Videos—For Multi-Classroom Leaders & Other Instructional Teacher-Leaders
Watch these short videos of educators discussing the elements of Support and Develop Individuals, organized by action:
More Videos:
Co-teach and model for others
Observe and give feedback
Videos—For Principals & Multi-School Leaders
Watch these short videos of educators discussing the elements of Support and Develop Individuals, organized by action:
Discussion Questions
Use these discussion questions to help guide your instructional team through the elements of Support and Develop Individuals:
- Do your team members have clear direction about what materials, teaching practices, and other actions are expected? If not, what needs to change?
- Do you have time and clear steps and tools for reviewing instructional practices of each team member? If not, what needs to change?
- Do team members get feedback routinely—for example, scheduled, weekly feedback? Do feedback and coaching result in changes in teaching on your team? If not, what needs to change?
- Does your team have time for team leader(s) to co-teach and model? Does that lead to changes in teaching? If not, what needs to change?
- Does your team give and receive difficult feedback with all team members to pursue instructional excellence and strong teamwork/collaboration? If not, what needs to change?
- Make a brief action plan with specific goals, roles, and time by which you will make specific changes!
- Did your changes produce better learning results? If so, keep them. If not, think again about what other changes to make!
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