Cabarrus County Schools

Schools began using Opportunity Culture® in:



Learn more about Cabarrus County Schools by visiting the district website.



Six high schools, two middle schools, and three elementary schools in Cabarrus County, N.C., began implementing an Opportunity Culture® in 2014–15. Its schools joined neighboring Charlotte-Mecklenburg Schools (CMS) in implementing an Opportunity Culture®. Design teams from the Cabarrus schools visited Ashley Park Elementary and Ranson IB Middle, two of the Charlotte-Mecklenburg Schools implementing an Opportunity Culture®.

Cabarrus County Schools Demographics

When Cabarrus began implementing Opportunity Culture® in 2014, the district had 39 schools serving 30,000 students. Of those students, 71 percent were white, 15 percent were black, 9 percent were Hispanic/Latino, and 43 percent were eligible for free or reduced-price lunch.





Pioneering Blended-Learning
Teachers Reach More Students

Two blended-learning teachers explain how they
extend their reach to more students by teaching
two groups during the same class period.
Learn more in the accompanying vignettes.

Scott Nolt on Being a Blended-
Learning Teacher

Scott Nolt, a blended-learning history teacher,
explains how blended learning enables him to
personalize instruction for students at all levels.

I Want to Be Like Karen

First-year teacher Emily Angles tells why
she wants to be like Karen von Klahr, her
Opportunity Culture® multi-classroom leader