Advice for Opportunity Culture® Schools & Districts; OC Stats as Challenging Year Ends: May Newsletter

by | May 26, 2022

By Public Impact®, May 26, 2022

We send this newsletter today, which has much happy news, as planned because some educators are in their last week of school—but with heavy hearts in the aftermath of shootings in Uvalde, Buffalo, and beyond. Words are always inadequate in the face of these horrors, but we at Public Impact® are holding all Opportunity Culture® educators in our hearts as you carry the burden of continuing to help your students feel safe while absorbing this grief.
 —Sharon Kebschull Barrett, editor

Question of the Month:

What’s one thing you are celebrating about your Opportunity Culture® role, team, or impact as the school year ends?

Join us on Instagram at @PublicImpact
to answer the question on our story and see others’ responses!


Opportunity Culture® Growth—By the Numbers

As districts seek innovations to bolster student academics and bring support and joy to students and teachers, the Opportunity Culture® model continues to spread and produce results, even in another challenging pandemic year. Each year, Public Impact® analyzes Opportunity Culture® data to improve its materials and its work with schools and districts. Read more…

Note: Public Impact® and Opportunity Culture® are registered trademarks.

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