New from Public Impact®: How Opportunity Culture® Models Strengthen Educator Professional Learning

by | November 14, 2022

In Building Better PL: How to Strengthen Teacher Learning, researchers Heather Hill and John Papay highlight six key design features of effective professional learning, or PL. Those features fall under two general principles for effective PL—it supports teachers’ day-to-day practice, and it involves accountability for change and improvement. Opportunity Culture® schools, which provide routine, job-embedded PL through multi-classroom leader teams, notably hit the mark for those two principles and each of the key features.

How do Opportunity Culture® teams support each of the six key design features of effective PL? Find out on the Public Impact® website.

Note: Public Impact® and Opportunity Culture® are registered trademarks; Multi-Classroom Leader™ is a trademarked term, registration pending.

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