Forrest City Junior High School, Lincoln Middle School named Opportunity Culture® Model Schools

From Newton County Times, May 6, 2021

Because of their efforts to improve student access to a high-quality education by extending the reach of excellent teachers to more students, the Arkansas Department of Education’s Division of Elementary and Secondary Education recognized two schools as Arkansas Opportunity Culture® Model Schools.
Forrest City Junior High School in the Forrest City School District and Lincoln Middle School in the Lincoln School District recently received surprise visits from DESE team members informing them of the recognition. In addition to receiving the distinction of being named an Opportunity Culture® Model School, both schools were given a large banner they can display at their school and will be recognized at the May State Board of Education meeting.

“The Opportunity Culture® School model serves as another best practice that schools around the state are embracing and implementing,” ADE Secretary Johnny Key said. “Both Forrest City Junior High School and Lincoln Middle School have demonstrated their commitment to the model and are seeing great success as a result. I congratulate the educators and administrators for a job well done.” Read More…

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