What Schools Can Learn from Google (Spoiler: It’s Not What You’d Expect)

From eSchoolNews, October 3, 2018 by Talia Milgrom-Elcott and Mo-Yun Lei Fong

It’s Management 101 that employees need to be inspired to create services and products that are relevant and effective. Identifying the workplaces that do the best job of keeping employees inspired, motivated, and productive has become a cottage industry. There’s a reason for that, and it’s not just to give out blue ribbons. It’s because places that are great to work in return the greatest value to their shareholders, employees, customers, and communities. Feeling fulfilled and supported at work leads employees to go the extra mile to deliver on their mission, whatever it may be, and that translates into great outcomes. Read the full article…

Keep Learning

Creating a ‘tutoring culture’ — for all, by all

From EdNC, by Emily Ayscue Hassel and Bryan C. Hassel, July 8, 2024 Every year, hundreds of billions of dollars will evaporate from the U.S. economy due to permanent learning shortfalls post-COVID, by McKinsey’s calculation. Research has shown high-dosage...

A Generation at Risk: A Call to Action

From A Generation at Risk: A Call to Action by Building Bridges Initiative, September 2023 In their recent report, A Generation at Risk: A Call to Action, the Building Bridges Initiative proposed five commitments they believe can serve as a foundation for a more...